I grew up in Merry Canyon near Leavenworth, Wash. My family moved there when I was 2 years old. We owned a 1200 acre cattle ranch surrounded by the US Forest Service. Didn't have to mind much about neighbors in those days, we didn't have any:) But while I may be just a transplant and not a local, I can remember back before the town went Bavarian, and I know first hand a lot of 
(Fishing with my grandsons in the creek where I grew up)
the history of the area. I've worked in a lot of fields: research and development; farming and ranching; construction; heavy equipment; welder; logger; machinist; dog trainer; shooting preserve operator; and some I'd just as soon forget.
The last 23 years have found me involved as a licensed real estate agent. But through all of it I have been a student of US history and the Constitution; and a hobby, legal researcher.
My first hand experiences in all these areas will not only provide some comic relief through stressful areas in the world of real estate, but will offer hope in seemingly hopeless situations, and ensure to you that I am working in your camp.